The changes of level of knowledge, perception and behaviour of secondary school students on HIV/AIDS in China: Pre and post intervention
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he hypothesis test for knowledge has shown that there is a change in the level of knowledge of the respondents after receiving information on HIV/AIDS (t = -46.561, sig. <0.05 and post knowledge’s mean was 13.813 is higher than pre knowledge’s mean, 8.715). In terms of behaviour, there was also a change in the negative behaviour of the respondents after information sharing interventions on HIV/AIDS (t = -8.716 and sig. <0.05 and post behavioural’s mean was 4.067, higher than the pre behavioural mean).
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How to Cite
The changes of level of knowledge, perception and behaviour of secondary school students on HIV/AIDS in China: Pre and post intervention. (2024). Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 6(1), 60-100.

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How to Cite
The changes of level of knowledge, perception and behaviour of secondary school students on HIV/AIDS in China: Pre and post intervention. (2024). Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 6(1), 60-100.